5 Fandom Deaths I’m Still Upset About…SPOILERS!
One of the downsides to any fandom is the amount of time you can invest in the lives of your favourite characters. So it is obvious that sometimes you are deeply affected when one of those characters dies. These are some of the deaths that still upset me.
1. Paul Ballard (Dollhouse).

This list could have been entirely made up of deaths from Joss Whedon shows. The one that still upsets me is Paul from Dollhouse. Whilst Dollhouse isn’t the most popular shows from the Whedonverse, it is one of my favourites. During the second season, I became engrossed in the relationship between Echo and Paul. In the final episode, Paul is gunned down whilst saving Mag as Echo watches on. In the end, Echo does imprint herself with Paul’s wedge. And finally opens up to him so they can live happily ever after. But it should have been a happier ending.
2. Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi (Star Wars)

Now when I originally watched A New Hope as a child this death wasn’t so upsetting. But since then having seen several more Star Wars movies and The Clone Wars series. I have come to love Obi-Wan as a character. He had an extremely sad life, losing his mentor and apprentice, he saw this kind hunted and killed. Which lead to him to live in hiding. Then years later, his life is once again turned upside down. And he sacrifices himself hoping he can turn the tide in this bloody war.
3. Sirius Black (Harry Potter).

There are so many deaths in the Harry Potter franchise, that still upset me, Hedwig, Dobby, Fred, the list goes on. The first death in the books that truly upset me was Sirius. In Prisoner of Azkaban, we have a hint that Harry might have some happiness in his life. When he discovers the truth about godfather, finally Harry has someone who wants to spend time with him during the holidays and maybe the first glimpse he could have a normal wizard life. Of course, Harry’s hope of his life turning around is quickly lost in Order of the Phoenix.
4. Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Yes in comics and the MCU no one really dies, but this one seems to be real. The two things that stand out about Quicksilver where his overprotective nature and his wit. He had all the makings to be a great addition to The Avengers! Unfortunately, his efforts to save a young boy and Hawkeye caused his demise and the first upsetting deaths in the MCU (the second being that of Anthony the Ant).
Ellie Fredricksen (UP)

In my opinion, the greatest love story ever told is that of Carl and Ellie Fredricksen! Ellie was an adventurer and dreamer. She dreamed of a family and travelling the world, that was not her lot. Instead, her adventure was a long happy marriage to Carl. The first ten minutes of UP layout an amazing love story and one of the saddest moments of recent cinema.
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