Five Fandom Friday: Characters I Want To Dress Up As For Halloween
1. Batgirl

An obvious choice really. I love the new “Batgirl of Burnside” costume, purple leather jacket and yellow doc martins! What is not to love about this new costume?
2. Sadness (Inside Out)

Image: Sadness by leslieakay
As I wear a lot of blue, I have joked that I look like Sadness (if I still wore glasses I think it would be my nickname). Disneybound (I love this blog) has done an amazing version of this everyday cosplay of this character.
3. Angela Chase (My So Called Life)

Image: Channeling Angela Chase by stardustnf
As fashion is cyclical, a lot of the clothes I see in the shops now are similar to what I wore as a teenager. And back then I just wanted to dress like Angela Chase (with the boyfriend that looked like Jordan Catalano).
4. Mary Margaret (Once Upon A Time)

Image: Mary Margaret Blanchard by missmerfaery
During the first season of OUAT, Mary Margaret had the most amazing wardrobe, floral skirts, pretty blouses, cozy scarves and lace berets.
5. Peggy Carter (MCU)
1940’s style icon who can also hold her own! Who wouldn’t want to be Agent Carter? In the first episode alone she had an iconic blue suit and red hat to that stunning white evening gown!
Thank you The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick for creating Fandom Friday check out their blogs for more information. Or follow the #fandom5 or #5fandomfriday on Twitter.
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Featured Image: © DC Comics