I planned on taking these photos last month – ready for June’s 6 on 6 challenge. But time got in the way and I didn’t get a chance to take all six photos. However, I figured I would take the extra photos and post them a little late. First up I had to include something from my tsum tsum
One of my favourite photography blogs suggests taking photos of Lego mini-figure to improve your photography skills. Mini-figures are great for practising macro-photography, but also portable enough to carry around and add a little dimension to your everyday shots. So I am going to try to include more Lego in my 6 on 6 photos.
I have never felt comfortable taking photos of yarn, my photos never seem to show the real colour of the yarn, or the tones and texture. I have experimented this month, using different light sources and backgrounds to get the “correct” colour.
Originally, I was going to take a photo of a cup of coffee. But I figured there are enough photographs of coffee on my blog! So I included my other guilty pleasure, KitKats! One day I would love to go to Japan and try all the weird and wonderful flavours they have there.
I planned on going to the park and taking some photos of ducks, however, they were all hiding this weekend. So instead, I captured this wooden sculpture. “The Reach” was part of a collection of chainsaw sculptures places in London parks before the 2012 Olympics.
When I brought my camera I also purchased a black nylon bag to carry my camera. The truth is, it was ugly! When looking for lenses on Amazon, my suggested purchased included this vintage looking bag, which is more my style. It still has the padded pockets, and I actually like carrying this bag around town.

6 on 6 is a monthly photography challenge started by the Scruffy Little Nerd Herder #6on6