Before taking my photos this month, I was chatting to Jason about the challenge complaining I didn’t have anything yellow to photograph. Immediately, he suggested Minions or The Simpsons. After that, I remembered this Minions USB stick he brought me a few years ago. Which I have never used, it just sits in a mini box with paperclips on my desk.
Both Jason and I used to love The Simpsons, I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t watch it in years. We used to have a lot of Simpsons merchandise, t-shirts, figures and even Simpsons magnets on the fridge. Now all I could find were the box sets of early seasons on DVD.
I love including tsum tsum in my 6 on 6 photos, when hunting in my collection for a yellow plushie. All I could find was the C-3PO. Yes I know in the movies C-3PO is golden, but this tsum tsum is definitely yellow!
Don’t you just love the expression on the little Lego figures? I adore how each little head has its own features, a cheeky smile, eyelashes or stubble.
As a stationary addict, I love looking for cute sticky notes, however there is something lovely about a classic, yellow post-its! I used them regularly, whether to write a little reminder for myself to stick to my mirror. Or to make longer lists to stick on my laptop.
I mentioned in a blog post last summer, that at this time of year, I love decorating our house with floral bunting. Or filling each room with fresh flowers. This year I have bought yellow and orange flowers to display in the Orla Kiely coffee jars I collected last year.

6 on 6 is a monthly photography challenge started by the Scruffy Little Nerd Herder #6on6