Read at Midnight’s Pokémon Go Book Tag was all the rage over the summer. Combining bloggers love

For my starter Pokémon in Pokémon Go, I picked a Charmander as I loved his character in the TV show. Especially when he went through his moody teenage Charmeleon phase.
As for the book that started my love of reading. I adored the Meg & Mog or Amelia Bedelia series when I was extremely young. But the series I adored reading as a teen would have been either the Judy Blume books or those by S.E. Hinton, especially The Outsiders.

I still don’t have a Pikachu, I keep hoping to find one in a 2KM egg but even those are getting harder to find. I think I spotted on the radar last week when we were in Hyde Park but have no luck finding him in the vast area.

As a Londoner, I was tempted to change this from Zubats to Drowzees, they are everywhere in the city!
Years ago it seemed every single woman was reading Bridget Jones Diary. They were all claiming they are just like Bridget Jones. I tried to read the book and found the character was rather annoying. In the following years, I had to put up with a sequel and the movies. Now yet again Bridget Jones is everywhere and still annoying me!

Has anyone caught I Ditto yet? I have read several possible theories on how to catch one online. But it looks like these Pokémon have not yet been released in the game.
I do love the I Heart… series, I know they are just are cheesy, and a little predictable. But I love the mixed to comedy and name dropping of places in different cities.

If I had space I would love to buy this Snorlax Bean Bag, it would be perfect to use when I read.
I guess the series I would love to read if I had the time would be the Discworld books. I read one book from the series a few years ago, but they are so many more to read. Plus I would have no idea what order to read them in!

When I started playing this game I seemed to find several Gastly each day. Since then they have disappeared so I am yet to evolve my Haunter to a Gengar.
I tend not to read scary books, horror is my least favourite genre. However, several books have kept me up all night reading, the most recent one being Harry Potter and The Cursed Child.

Nidoran♀ was the first Pokémon I went hunting for after spotting the outline on the radar. Since then I have yet to find another one. So my poor Nidorino is missing his mate.
The obvious answer for me to this question is Babs & Dick, but they are in comics. Do graphic novels count towards this book tag? I am assuming they do!

Image if they allowed you to ride your Pokemon in the game if you selected it as your buddy. I would love to ride my Ponyta.
One book I love for several reasons is Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is also one of my favourite movies, although the ending of the movie is completely different.

Eevee is still one of my favourite Pokémon and I am still hoping to catch a few more so I can have a Jolteon to complete my Eevee set.
I love that J.K. Rowling et al wrote another Harry Potter book, but I am not sure where else this series can go. For a long time, the Star Wars Expanded Universe books were my only hope of seeing the further adventures of the Skywalker family, so I will always love seeing a Star Wars spin-off series.

We are lucky to live within walking distance of the River Thames and so our Pokewalks involve catching several Magikarp a day – perfect for trying to get those 400 candies.
The series that I found awesome also centres around the River Thames. I originally started reading Rivers of London as it was an urban fantasy set in London. But quickly, began to adore the characters and I love that I recognise so many places from the books.

I am hoping they don’t rush introducing the legendary Pokemon as this will mark the end of the game, plus my Pokedex is far from being complete.
Social media seems to overhype several book series at the moment, the ones I am looking forward to reading The Red Queen books.

Of course the legendary Pokemon I would love to own is a Mewtoo.
Like this Pokemon, the collector’s edition I am coveting is the Harry Potter Illustrated Edition. I wish they would hurry up and publish the complete set.

All I seem to be getting at the moment is 5KM eggs and they contain duds – if I hatch one more Meowth or Slowpoke!
I never seem to be in the loop about new novels, I always discover books months after everyone else. So I have no idea about this question.

One great thing about London is the go-to Pokemon Go hangouts – which always have several lures going. It’s amazing to see dozens of people playing the game all
I used to have several auto-buy authors but in recent years this list as slimmed down, now I guess I auto-buy series like Star Wars or any graphic novel that features Batgirl.

Do you remember the early days of Pokemon Go when we would always see the server down screen? Now I have to put up with
Obviously, the book I am eagerly waiting for is The Winds of Winter!
The Pokemon Go Book Tag was the brainchild of Read at Midnight, and the images included in the post at her’s.
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