When I wrote about my experiences at Star Wars Celebrations, I mentioned how our adventures involved a lot of early starts and plenty of queuing. As a result most mornings started with a cup of coffee from the local coffee shop in the exhibition hall.
Over the summer Jason and I became obsessed with Pokémon Go. Our local park had several Pokémon Go play-days, where they set off lures at each Poké-Stops, hoping to catch some rare Pokémon, we attended one of the play-days. Instead we caught 17 Drowzee as well as the normal Pidgey and Rattatas.
I’m not really keen on Costa Coffee, it’s not that they make bad coffee – in fact they sell gingerbread lattes all year around which isn’t bad in my book. It is just seems I only go to there at awkward times, they have branches in hospitals, service stations or airports . As a result I associate Costa Coffee with queuing or waiting!
Another adventure of ours over the summer was our trip to Norfolk. Whilst at Houghton Hall as well as admiring all the artwork, we stopped at the amazing coffee shop – in the former stables. For a cake and coffee pit stop.
My final obsession over the summer was the Rio Olympics. I’m not usually a huge sports fan, but there is something about the large scale of the Olympics that I love! I dug out my Team GB t-shirt and Links of London bracelet from London 2012.
What is #100cupsofcoffee? You can read about the project here.
You can see all the photos from the #100cupsofcoffee project on Instagram.