The Five Funko I Wish They Would Make
As it’s my birthday next week, instead of blogging about a birthday wish list of Funko figures. I thought I would put together a Funko Fantasy List, the Pop! Vinyl figures I wish they would make.
1. Lyanna Mormont from Game of Thrones

For me, this 10-year-old head of her house was the true star of the sixth season of Game of Thrones. The way she held her own when approached by Sansa and Jon or stared down Ramsey Bolton before the Battle of the Bastards. Lyanna Mormont is my spirit animal.
2. Bodhi Rook from Star Wars Rogue One

On Force Friday a few weeks ago. Funko released a new range to tie-in with the release of Rogue One. But one member of the crew was missing Bodhi! This month on the blog I have given a lot of love to Riz Ahmed. So it makes sense that I would want the Funko version of his character to add to my collection.
3. Ravi Chakrabarti from iZombie

I know they have released a Liv from iZombie Funko and are planning on releasing a few more variations of her character. In the show, my favourite character is Ravi, her co-worker and sidekick. If I had a list of fictional BFF’s he would be number one on my list!
4. Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) from DC Comics

The first Funko I brought was the Batgirl one. Since then I have brought every version of Pop!, Dorbz, or Vinyl Vixen they have produced. However, instead of all the Barbara Gordon varieties, I would love a Cassandra Cain version.
5. Oracle from DC Comics

As I said I have many version of the Barbra Gordon Funko, which mainly include copies of her classic costume and the new Batgirl of Burnside outfit. But what about her “Oracle” days? This version would complete my “Babs” collection.
What characters are on your Fantasy Funko List? Which Pop! do you which they would make to add to your collection? Which franchise do you wish they would add to their range?
Featured Image: © DC Comics