Who else is excited for the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, this week? I have stated numerous times on my blog, how excited I am about the release of this film. As a child watching A New Hope, one of the first things I saw on the screen in the opening crawl. Is mentions “the group of rebel spies that steal the secret plans to the Death Star. Now we can find out what happened to this group.
The closer we get to the release, the more my excitement grows. We brought my tickets for the midnight showing several weeks ago. I planned my outfit for the opening night months ago. I am wearing a Her Universe dress. But I thought I would create a few everyday cosplay outfits for some of the characters in the movie.
Jyn Erso
When we were at Star Wars Celebrations. We had a chance to see some of the costumes and props from the film. In the exhibit, next to each costume was a card listing all the aspects of the outfit. This display card was idea for cosplayer to get all the details of the costumes. They also were ideal to help for plan these outfits.
First of is Jyn. From the moment I saw the teaser trailer for Rogue One, in April I have loved Jyn as a character. The more footage from the film I see the more I want to get to know this newest female hero from the franchise.

Necklace // Bracelet // Top // Jacket // Boots // Scarf // Trousers
Rogue One Everyday Cosplay
Director Krennic | K2SO
Featured Images: © Lucasfilm