I thought I would start a new semi-regular series on my blog, My Monday Musings. That roughly translate to if something geeky has been on my mind lately I will blog about it! This week I want to talk about the DC Extended Universe (DCEU).
I grew up loving DC Comics! In the 1980’s I watched repeats of Wonder Woman and Batman programmes on TV, and the Superman/Supergirl movies on VHS. A decade lately, and it would become all about Batman, the Tim Burton movies, The Animated Series and The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel. (My love of Marvel did not start until this century). But in the last few years, my love for DC has waned.
The comics continue to interest me, I loved the Batgirl of Burnside storyline and adore all the extended Bat-family. However, after the Christopher Nolan films, the DC movies seems to be a mess. I’m not currently up to date with the animated series. But stated before how disappointed I was with the The Killing Joke animated movie.
DC on TV
Of the DC Comics related TV programmes, my favourite was Smallville, but recently all DC Comic shows seem to be dominated by the programmes of the Arrowverse. I didn’t like the first few seasons of Arrow, however, I think the show has improved recently. I really like Supergirl and Flash. Supergirl has dealt with some interesting themes this season and handles them amazingly well, especially Alex’s coming out speech.
Legends of Tomorrow is a little more fun, but still enjoyable to watch. At the end of last year they had a crossover storyline for the four shows and I believe they are planning more. This shared universe seems to be successful and is working, to the extend that they are adding to the universe, as the Black Lightening series was announced last week.
The other DC related programme, Gotham is not part of the Arrowverse. The show is a little darker and serves as a great introduction to the major players in the Batman universe. I do not think Gotham will be ever crossover to the Arrowverse, but with the multiverse you never know.
The Extended Universe

Which brings us back to the DCEU. I want to like the DCEU, I eagerly went to the cinema last year to watch both Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad and left the cinema disappointed both times. When they release the Wonder Woman movie, I will go and see it, because it’s a female superhero movie! I really want this cinematic universe to work!
There is no denying there
What I don’t understand is why, they need to make a Flash movie. I like Grant Gustin as Flash, he has made the role his own. I am sure Erza Miller will be great in the role, do we need another Flash? Likewise with the Justice League movie, the Arrowverse has already laid foundation of the Justice League on screen (it is even part of Legends of Tomorrow), do we need another Justice League?
It is easy to compare the DCEU to that of the more successful Marvel cinematic universe (MCU). But the MCU has existed for over a decade and it did have some hiccups in the early years (Hulk). The MCU has also linked their TV shows to the movies. Agents of Shield and Agent Carter have this done this very directly. Whereas the Netflix/Marvel shows have done it a little more indirectly. Having characters mention of the “Battle of New York” or individual Avengers, link these shows to the wider MCU. Why can the DCEU not do the same.
Recommended Watching/Reading
- Wonder Woman The Complete Collection
- Batgirl of Burnside TPB by Cameron Stewart
- Dark Knight Returns TPB by Frank Miller
- Marvel’s Agent Carter Season One
- Marvel’s Jessica Jones
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Featured Images: © Warner Bros.