Normally, my Monday Musing posts are a chance for me to have a little rant about something that’s been on my mind lately. However, this week I am I’m going to do something a little different. I am going to make a confession. Are you ready?
It’s a big confession.
I have never watched Supernatural.
Wait a minute, what?
That’s right, I have never watched Supernatural! I have never seen an episode, this show seemed to have slipped past my geek radar. I know what you are thinking, Supernatural is one of the greatest shows. How have you never seen it? But, the honest truth is I am not 100% sure why.
Before Supernatural aired, I remember thinking it would be a show I would like. I loved the other CW programmes shown at the time. Programmes like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Roswell. Jared Padalecki starred in the Gilmore Girls and Jensen Ackles was briefly in Smallville. Two shows I also loved around the time. So why didn’t I watch their new show?
As I said I have no idea why I didn’t watch it. To point out, Supernatural originally aired on ITV2 in the late evening. So maybe the time it aired had something to do with me not watching it. Since then it has changed networks several times, for a while, I think it was on Sky Living and it’s on E4.
I am assuming because Supernatural has had several broadcasters in the UK, that is why no one channel can repeat all the series. Similarly, why isn’t available on a streaming service. Whilst, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and it’s spin-off Angel), seem to have found new fans by streaming on Netflix. Other “Monster of the Week” type shows, like Charmed or Ghost Whisperer seem to be constantly on TV. Why isn’t Supernatural?
Not being on a streaming service means it is not easy for me to watch Supernatural. So it seems my only option is to watch it the old-fashioned way, to buy all the box sets and binge-watch them. Which brings me to another issue. By now Supernatural is on its 13th season. That is over 250 episode to watch! That will involve a mammoth marathon, how long would that take? It seems a little daunting to even start.
So it would seem I am not meant to watch Supernatural. Even though I am sure, it would be a show I would enjoy. Having said that I am planning on trying to watch the spin-off programme The Wayward Sisters. I
Are you surprised I am not part of the SPN family? Do you think I should start watching it? What TV show are people surprised that you don’t watch?
Featured Image: © The CW