As it is Valentine’s Day, I could have written a cute post about my husband, that only he would want to read. Or I figured I could write a more in-depth post about my OTP, (One True Pairing). Barbara Gordon and Richard Grayson, AKA Batgirl and Nightwing. I have previously written about several of my other OTPs as part of Five Fandom Friday post, but this is much more indepth.
This post is about several comics storylines by DC Comics.
It includes recent issues please be warned it will contain spoilers.
When Barbara Gordon was first introduced into the Batman storyline, in the 1960s. There is an age gap between Batgirl and Robin. She working as a librarian, and several years older than Dick Grayson who is still at school. During the Batman Family comics, Batgirl’s alter ego is a congresswoman and Robin is studying at university. The Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline rewrote Barbara’s history, making her younger and it is then their relationship really began. If you want to read more about their relationship during this time I recommend the 13th Dimension’s excellent article The Ballad of Babs and Dick.
Over the years, Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson have been known by several other alter egos. She was Batgirl, just Barbara, Oracle and then after the events of Flashpoint she once again became Batgirl in the New 52 era. Dick Grayson was originally Robin, before leaving Gotham city and becoming Nightwing. He had a brief stint as Batman (after the Battle for the Cowl storyline), then ‘died’ and became Agent 37. All of this time the pair seemed to have an off again, on again relationship. However, when Dick returned to Gotham as Nightwing and was reunited with Batgirl, they seemed to have finally cemented their relationship, which leads to some cute stories*.
The Best Comics featuring the Batgirl and Nightwing romance!
Batgirl Year One #4 (Included in the Batgirl Year One)
In this post-Crisis on Infinite Earths re-telling of Batgirl’s origin. Batman and Robin drug Batgirl and take her to the Batcave. Batman is unhappy with the newest vigilante on Gotham, whilst Robin is a little happier. Whilst Batman plays bad cop, Robin takes on the role of good cop Robin and assesses Batgirl’s skills. It is later revealed Dick had uncovered Batgirl’s secret identity.
Birds of Prey #8

Following the event of Killing Joke, Barbara Gordon takes on a new alter ego. That of Oracle, information broker and leader of the Birds of Prey. In this iconic issue from 1999. Nightwing and Oracle have a “not date” discussing their past. The issue ends with Nightwing taking her to the circus and enabling her to fly once again.
Nightwing #117 (Included in Nightwing: Renegade)
Over the years, the Birds of Prey and Nightwing teamed up for several storylines. And during this time Oracle and Nightwing relationship bloomed. After a horrific mission, Dick meets Barbara at the airport and propose to her. As this was the last issue before the One Year Later storyline and the wedding never happened.
Convergence Nightwing/Oracle

Whilst Nightwing and Oracle never got their wedding the current timeline. They did during the Convergence event. In the alternative timeline constructed by Brainiac, this story picks up where just before the events of Flashpoint. Barbara is still paralysed, operating as Oracle and dating Dick. He once again proposed and they do get married. Although this storyline isn’t necessarily canon I am including it because we finally get the Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson wedding, we deserve.
Grayson #12 (Included in Grayson: Nemesis)
At the end of the Forever Evil storyline. Dick Grayson fakes his death with the help of Lex Luthor and Batman. Working undercover in the spy agency
Batgirl #45 (Included in Batgirl: Family Business)
After the re-boot of Flashpoint. Barbara once again dons the Cape and Cowl and returns to being Batgirl. When Grayson returns to Gotham, Batgirl runs off rather than talk to him. Later he sneaks into the apartment to talk. Finding her getting ready for her friend’s wedding, Dick steals the wedding ring to force Barbara to follow him. Donning her Batgirl outfit she chased Grayson through the streets of Burnside. In the end, Dick tries to kiss Barbara, but she stops him stating she is in the relationship.
Batgirl #10 (Included in Batgirl: Son of Penguin)
After Dick Grayson returns to being Nightwing and operating in Gotham City. Batgirl continues her life in Burnside. During the Son of Penguin storyline, Barbara starts dating Ethan Copperpot. When she is dealing with problems with her relationship, she turns to Dick for support. Showing they will always be there for each other.
Batgirl #15 (Included in Batgirl: Summer of Lies)
When a villain from Batgirl’s past returns into her life she is made to remember her early days in Gotham. Teaming up with Nightwing to investigate the current threat. Batgirl relives when she shared her secret identities with Robin. All the memories stir up old feelings and Batgirl and Nightwing share a kiss.
Batgirl #17 (Included in Batgirl: Summer of Lies)

In the concluding part of the Summer of
Batgirl #25

The anniversary issue of Batgirl collects four different stories. Once again Barbara turns to Dick when she is feeling down. They hijack Bruce and Selina’s honeymoon suite. (which was booked for the wedding that never was). Babs and Dick mess around, talk about their dream weddings, and how they will always there for each other. Giving the reader some hope that they will eventually get together.*
*I know following the events of Batman #50 ‘Ric’ now has amnesia and has forgotten his years as a masked vigilante, and more importantly his relationship with Barbara but I am assuming this is temporary!

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