Last autumn, we went to MCM London on Saturday and it was too exhausting! We queued for over 2 hours just to get inside. And the crowds made it impossible to walk around let alone shop. And as a result, this spring we decided against going. However, at the start of the month, I had FOMO. So I checked with a few friends and discovered no one wanted to deal with the crowds. So I compromised and decided to go alone on Friday. And I am so glad I did, as I had an amazing experience.
I left home after the rush hour to avoid the commuters, as it was a weekday. But I arrived at the Excel Centre just after 10:30 and managed to walk straight in. No queuing, just a quick bag search and then exchanging my ticket for a wrist band! Once inside it was busy, but not crowded. Therefore, it was easy to walk around, look at the stalls and take photos.
My Friday at MCM London (May 2019)
When I first got inside the venue, I did a quick lap of the north side of the convention to get the layout sussed. I saw the tattoo pavilion and immediately fell in love with two tattoo designs. And whilst I was really tempted to get another tattoo, I figured I wait and really plan what I want. Of course, this weekend I have planned my next three tattoos!

Next, I headed outside to grab some photos of the Pokémon cosplay meet-up. As we have been playing a lot of Pokémon Go lately, I really wanted to to see all the cool cosplay. At first, I was expecting a lot of Misty, Ash and Team Rocket costumes, but I was really impressed with those people that made actual Pokémon costumes. Highlights for me included a Detective Pikachu, with actual coffee in his espresso cup. And Blaziken, especially as it was Torchic Community Day in Pokémon Go at the earlier in May.

Normally, I avoid panels at MCM because of the queues, I always look at the line-up beforehand, but then never do anything go along. This year, I saw two panels that looked interesting and I figured I would try my luck. First up was Ashley Poston. Geekerella was one of my favourite books from last year and I am currently reading Princess and the Fangirl. So I was eager to listen to her talk.

Then after lunch, I managed to watch the Clerks 25th Anniversary panel. I’ve always loved Kevin Smith’s movies and obviously, his debut movie holds a special place in my heart. And whilst it was a shame Kevin Smith himself wasn’t there it was lovely to hear the cast members remiss about filming the movie and talking about the upcoming Jay and Silent Bob Reboot movie.

My Favourite Cosplays!