Today’s Five Fandom Friday prompt is “What I’ve been loving on Disney+” For me, this is going to be a little different as Disney+ has not started in the U.K. It will be launched next Tuesday. So for today’s Five Fandom Friday, I am going to list the Five Shows I am most looking forward to watching on Disney+.
What I’m looking forward to watching on Disney+
1. The Mandalorian
Of course, the first thing I want to watch is The Mandalorian.
What can I say about this programme that hasn’t already been said?
Bounty Hunters, Epic Battles and of course Baby Yoda!
It is safe to say this is the one show I am most excited about!
2. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Seven
I adore Star Wars: The Clone Wars. At the start of this year, Jason and I re-watched the previous six season of this epic animated show. We opted to re-watch them in chronological order (as listed in on the Star Wars website). So obviously, I had to create a chart for my bullet journal to track each episode. Now I am looking forward to re-joining my favourite clones on their adventures and of course the return of Ahsoka Tano.
3. Star Wars: Rebels
Whilst we re-watching The Clone Wars, Jason and I talked about also re-watching Star Wars: Rebels. But we decided to wait until Disney+ launched. So I think this is probably going to be the first series we binge watch.
4. Spider-Man: The Animated Series
When Jason and I first started dating we would loved watching the Spider-Man Animated Series on Saturday mornings. Jason would play rugby on Saturday afternoons, so we would have a big breakfast in front of the TV whilst watching Spider-Man or the classic X-Men animated series. So I am looking forward to re-watching the series and re-living these memories.
5. Classic Disney Movies
Disney+ will include loads of amazing movies. I already have all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies on Blu Ray. And the Star Wars movies on several formats (including VHS even though we don’t have video player). However, I only own a few Disney movies. So one thing I am really looking forward to watching is all the classic Disney movies. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White
If you are in the U.K. or Europe, what are you most looking forward to watching?
Do you have Disney+ What would you recommend I watch?
F.Y.I. TechRadar have a complete list of all the movies and programmes that will be available on Disney Plus when it launches next week.

The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick originally created Five Fandom Friday.
It was re-introduced by Jordan Ellis for The Sartorial Geek in 2020.
The prompts for 2023 can be found at The Sartorial Geek.
You can read all my Five Fandom Friday Posts here.
Featured Images: © Disney