As I am struggling to find content to blog about, during the Covid-19 lockdown. I have found a few Blog Tags to join in with, to help me create some content during the lockdown! The first up is the To Be Read or TBR Book Tag originally designed by A Perfection Called Books. I thought this would be a fun blog tag to me to do at the moment, as I am trying to read more during the lockdown.
At the start of 2020, as per normal I was failing terribly at my GoodReads reading challenge for the year. My challenge is always the same 24 books. With the plan being to aim to read at least one graphic novel and one fiction book each month. And every year, I fail. Reading 8-10 books at best. This year was no different. Pre-Lockdown I was in my normal similar situation, as I had only finished reading one book. However, in June I decided I wanted to use my free time to try and read more. (I will admit during the first few months of lockdown I was still watching a lot of TV programmes and more concerned with catching up on all the box sets on my to-be-watched list).
All the books featured in the blog post contains Amazon Affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I will earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link.
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The TBR Book Tag
Before I dive into the TBR Book Tag, I thought I would quickly fill you in on what I am currently reading. As I mentioned I like to read a fiction book and one graphic novel each month. However, to try and catch up for this year’s challenge, I am also planning on reading a non-fiction book each month. Currently, these books are;
Slay by Britteny Morris
Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee and Scott Williams
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang
How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
It is twofold, the first list is via GoodReads. When I buy a new book, I try and remember to add it my “want to read” shelf on GoodReads, similarly, when I get a book recommendation or see a book mentioned online I like to immediately add it to my shelf. However, with graphic novels, I tend to read the same ones repeatedly, so it doesn’t make sense to add them to my GoodReads account. And so, my second list is in my bullet journal. I like to draw a bookshelf and books, with all the book titles. And colour in each book once I have read it.
Is your TBR mostly print or eBook?
As much as I’d love shelves filled with colourful books for “the ‘gram”, I am strictly an eBook gal! I always preferred books until I read A Clash of Kings. I become obsessed with reading the A Song of Ice and Fire books at every opportunity and wanted to carry the books around with me. A Clash of Kings was too heavy to keep carrying around in the summer, so I brought a Kindle and bundle of the first four books and the rest is history.
However, I do prefer reading actual graphic novels as I like the feel of holding them whilst reading. I also like leaving them out on display and picking them up to flick through and look at the artwork. I did buy Saga as an eBook to read this summer. Which I quickly regretted. I adored the book read the whole Compendium version in a couple of days, the artwork in the book is amazing and one I definitely want to display and so ordered a print copy!
How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?
Normally, it is the newest book I have brought, awful I know! I have also joined a few online book clubs and will read the book they are collectively reading. In fact, I am reading Slay because it is this month’s read for the Sartorial Geek book club.
A Book That’s Been on Your TBR List the Longest
I’m assuming there are books I have wanted to read that have been on my TBR longer but according to GoodReads, it is Cloud Atlas. I think I brought the book after seeing the movie, and never got around to reading it.
A Book You Recently Added to Your TBR
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winters. I added it this week after seeing a recommendation on Instagram! A review on GoodReads called it the “Zulu Game of Thrones”. As my parents grew up in South Africa, I have always had an interest in the country. My dad was also interested in pre-colonial African culture, and I guess I inherited some of that interest so this book definitely appealed to me. In fact, I mentioned this book to my mum and now it’s on the top of her TBR list as well.
A Book in Your TBR Strictly Because Of Its Beautiful Cover
This question doesn’t really apply, as I tend to buy eBooks so don’t really look at the covers. However, I occasionally buy geeky coffee table books, to leave out. These I always pick because of the covers. Examples of what I call coffee table books are Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy or Marvel’s Powers of a Girl. Hardback books filled with geeky facts and amazing artwork.
A Book on Your TBR That You Never Plan on Reading
I guess I lot of the geeky coffee table books I previously mentioned, I brought to leave on display rather than read. But I also own the illustrated Harry Potter books, and I doubt I will read these copies. They were mainly brought for the artwork and look pretty on display.
An Unpublished Book on Your TBR That You’re Excited For
The obvious answer is Winds of Winter by George RR Martin, as I seem to have been waiting for this book for decades. And I would like to read the planned ending rather than the TV version of the Game of Thrones. Other than that, I’m going to say The Dark Lady by Akala, as this book was delayed due to COVID. I love listening to Akala’s lectures and reading his autobiography, so I am really interested to read his first YA novel.
A Book on Your TBR That Basically Everyone’s Read But You
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I think I have brought the first three books in the series over the years to read them, without ever starting. In fact, I also have the Throne of Glass series on my TBR list. Maybe I need to set aside some time and only read Sarah J Maas.
A Book on Your TBR That Everyone Recommends to You
I couldn’t really think of an answer to this question. But the book that I keep seeing everywhere at the moment is Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. I kept seeing the book on Instagram and then some people were talking about it on Discord, so I added it my TBR list.
A Book on Your TBR That You’re Dying to Read
I recently finished Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. Which I am loved and I am eager to start the sequel. Also, Rage of Dragons, as stated the most reason addition to my usually the book I read next.
How many books are on your TBR shelf?
Because of writing this blog post, I spend some time examining my Want to Read shelf on GoodReads and had a little culling! So as of today, it’s current has 39 books on it!
If you would like to know more about my reading habits or to just see if I actually complete my reading challenge for 2020, follow me on GoodReads! And consider yourself tagged to join in this Blog Tag, a clean copy of the questions are below!

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
Is your TBR mostly print or eBook?
How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?
A Book That’s Been on Your TBR List the Longest
A Book You Recently Added to Your TBR
A Book in Your TBR Strictly Because Of Its Beautiful Cover
A Book on Your TBR That You Never Plan on Reading
An Unpublished Book on Your TBR That You’re Excited For
A Book on Your TBR That Basically Everyone’s Read But You
A Book on Your TBR That Everyone Recommends to You
A Book on Your TBR That You’re Dying to Read
How many books are on your TBR shelf?
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